Why is reintegration necessary?

Every child deserves a family. The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child says the best place for a child with regards to his or her psychological development is with his or her family or community of origin. Evidence gathered over 60 years of research tells us that children and babies in institutional care suffer psychological damage and poor physical development. OrphanCare is committed to improving the physical and psychological well-being of children in institutions and those under threat.

OrphanCare proposes reintegrating children as follows:

  • Reintegrating with their birth parents
  • With extended family members or relatives
  • Through legal adoption
  • Temporary fostering until adoptive parents are found
  • Placing special needs children in small group homes


We champion reintegration to:

  • give children the chance for a better life, in a safe and loving family environment
  • enable and equip parents to better nurture their children
  • persuade traditional child care institutions to transform into community care establishments